My Short Stories

A collection of my short stories that range from my college days to my current writing

Last Stop

This is my last stop. I’ve lived a long life, and everyone is out for my blood. Being a vampire for over a thousand years

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Experience Earth

The flames popped and cracked as the wood was consumed, the smell of burning rubber from flaming tires ascend past the fallen skyline. The natural

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The Mountain

“No human being can remember their life from start to finish perfectly. Ages are mixed up, events that happened are jumbled, out of order, like

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Monster Under the Bed

            “Moooom!” The child called out to her mother with her squeaky four-year-old voice, “There’s a monster under my bed!”. Her room was dimly lit

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My start in writing

I started writing fiction when I was in fifth grade and my teacher gave me an assignment to write a five-page long short story. I loved writing ever since. I got my short story “Monster Under the Bed” published in Persona, a Texas State University magazine! Since then, I’ve been driven to create more stories and be more involved in the publishing industry.